Digs Around Ystradfellte

Theoretical Pot (NGR 9162 1476)

This cave, situated on the Shar Wlad and last dug by myself and Malcolm Stewart several years ago, has recently seen a bit more activity. Using SLB, the low bedding plane has been opened up for a further few more feet. It seems like approximately 4-5 feet of further progress is required before we can tell if this is going to go or not. Progress has been slow as SLB is tricky to use in the constricted bedding. As the rock we are attempting to mine is very fractured, maybe a kango and generator session might be more productive?

It is interesting to note that the cave is situated in the Dowlais limestone, the same speleogenie limestone in which Ogof Fynnon Ddu is situated. A small stream flows into the bedding at most times of the year which has not been dye traced. A slight hut distinct draught goes into the bedding in winter - certainly enough so that SLB fumes are not a problem.

The cave is situated on a major fault which passes down to Porth-yr-Ogof. The fault plane can clearly be seen in the cave. This fault also passes close to the cave Hole by the Wall (NGR 9209 1351) which has been dye traced to Little Neath River Cave and Porth-yr-Ogof in 21 and 24 hours respectively. As most of the caves in the area (Little Neath River Cave, Ogof Igam Ogam, Pant Mawr Pot) line up on faults, a bit more of a concerted digging effort might be worthwhile.

Ogof Cul

As most people probably know, about a year ago a bit of an extension was made past the Slop Monster I choke. A bit of lump hammer work and the removal of a boulder with SLB by Graham Christian and we had a view of what looked suspiciously like the Slop Monster II. An attempt to dig this soon confirmed this opinion with me undercutting the choke - with a view of the way on it promptly collapsed launching a large pile of squit on my head. Not to he thwarted an attempt was again made to dig out the choke and shore a way through. Little progress was made however, as swimming in liguid mud tends to dampen the enthusiasm somewhat. What is more, the choke had now decided to reveal a dodgy looking boulder above my head, so in a dejected mood the dig was abandoned.

A return visit was made at Easter to find that all progress had been lost due to further collapse. Given the extreme nature of this dig and the lack of stacking space, I can't imagine many people making a return visit. If Ogof Cut is to be continued, some other tactic will have to be tried.

Pant Mawr Pot

Ever wondered where the small stream comes from which drops out of the ceiling 50- 60 feet above the floor of the entrance chamber? "No", you're probably thinking, and "I couldn't care less anyway". Well, now thanks to a bolted climb by Paul Stacey with somewhat dubious help from myself, we now know it leads to about 150 feet of low grovelly passage which looks a bit like Ogof Cul.

A hole some 30 feet below where this passage comes in was also swung into. It revealed a short oxbow which quickly looped back on itself to a point where there are views of the main stream passage again.

Some 30 metres below Dead End Passage, a hole in the main stream passage roof was also climbed into. This went for about 20 feet to a complete flowstone choke.

Adrian Paniwnyk