
Changes of Address

Eric Downer
Sam & Nicola Knot
Andy Todd
Iain Whitehouse

New Members

Kim Allkins
Catherine Dunkling
Allison Hill
Andreas King
Simon Laikie
Alasdair Neill
Simon Ould
Clare Pond

A Day in the Life of a Hut Warden

It seems that the above article which appeared in the last edition of Pelobates and was credited to Chris Crowley was in fact not written by him at all but by persons unknown. Apologies to Chris for this unintentional mistake.

From the Expedition Officer

Simon Davies has sent the following report:

Could you please let me know what is going to be happening on the international scene this year. I have heard the usual vague murmuring about Russia and Matienzo and even more regarding returns to the Berger. Obviously some form of central reference would be helpful if only as a mechanism to recruit more unwitting candidates. Also any feasible suggestions as to possible sites of interest around the world should be passed on. We would like to develop both types of trip; the purely exploratory and also the 'holiday' type.

We have been discussing with Cardiff University a repeat of the Berger 1993 trip. Although it seems a long way ahead, the cave is now booked for 21 days in July 1996. The weather should be better and we should start thinking now about some sort of funding. Anybody interested please get in touch.

From the Equipment Officer

Adrian Paniwnyk has also sent a report about club equipment (all stored at his house unless stated otherwise) as of February 1994:

SRT Ropes

53m Edelrid April 1990
41m 'Black Death' 1983
27m Edelrid Approx January 1992
42m Edelrid Approx January 1992
44m 'Black Death' 1983
79.5m Edelrid April 1990
27m Edelrid April 1990
42m Edelrid 1984/1985 (Sheath glazed in places)
16m Edelrid Approx January 1992

Life Lining Rope

120 ft Braidline April 1987
67 ft Braidline April 1987

2 x Old Natural Fibre Ropes


3 x Plastic Helmets (Y chin strap)
4 x Plastic Helmets (Single chin strap)
1 x Texolex Helmet
20 x Ladders (1 badly frayed to be scraped)
7 x Large Tackle Sacks (2 in very bad condition)
3 x Small Tackle Sacks
1 x Rope Washer
1 x Hose Pipe Rope Protectors
4 x Tethers
11 x Spreaders
2 x Rope Protectors
2 x Shrink Fit Rope Markers
1 x Lead Acid Cell (To be given to Andy Symonds*)
1 x Sling (Age unknown)
1 x 8 Tonne Belay
1 x Whilans Harness
10 x Steel Screw Gate Karabiners
1 x Reel of Telephone Wire
1 x Expedition First Aid Kit
4 x Ring Hangers
16 x Twist Hangers + Maillons
1 x Bolt Driver
1 x Large Hauling Device
1 x Petzl Pulley
3 x Home Made Pulleys
4 x BDH Tubes (2 with lids)
1 x Tin of Carbide
1 x Drag Sheet

*Club lamps are held by Andy Symonds.

Equipment at Godre Pentre

4 x Ladders
1 x 28m 'Black Death' Rope 1983
2 x Old Life Lining Ropes
1 x 138 ft Edelrid Rope 1986
1 x 20m Old SRT Rope
1 x 20m Climbing Rope (Very furry)
3 x Helmets
1 x Tape Measure
1 x Tether
1 x Medical Kit
1 x Stitch Plate
2 x Rope Protectors
2 x Pulleys
1 x Home Made Driver
1 x Digital Thermometer
1 x Rope Washer

Equipment in Carno Adit Cave

1 x Tether
2 x Ladders
1 x 27m Lifelining Rope Approx 1990

Note: All equipment to be removed after 'pushing' ceases.


1. Purchase of 2 x Tackle Bags
2. Purchase of 2 x Long Slings
3. Purchase of 2 x FX2s + Headsets (There have been numerous light failures using the old lead acid club lamps on recent trips. This does not impress beginners one bit!)
4. Gradual replacement of old lifelines and SRT ropes (Particularly those stored at the cottage which look distinctly knackered!)

Editor's Note: Since writing the above report, committee approval has been obtained and 2 x tackle bags and the material for 2 x long slings have been purchased. The best deal is being sought for 2 x new lamps.