A Trip to Yorkshire

The ghastly weather during much of the summer meant that pretty much the only caving that went on was from the cottage until September when the weather gods relented and myself., Matt Wire ,Liz De Neves (SWCC) & Annie Wakeham stayed at Bracken Bottom in Horton .Matt and some friends did the 3 peaks challenge to raise money for the Yorks CRO while the rest of us + Jenny Drake after the usual Bernie`s breakfast went off to do Ireby Fell cave .There is now another route bypassing the first 3 pitches with a single pitch, however we did the classic route (aided by a 2 day permit from the weather gods) .As many of you will know there is now a sump by pass route via a prussik up a rope from the roof near the first sump -unfortunatley we didn`t have time for this as Jenny had to meet up with her lift back.

Chris Crowley