Changes of Address
Andy Dawson
Carl Gibbs
Gary Hopwood
George Pankiewicz
Hugh Penney
New Members
Vince Allkins
Linda Saunders
Roger Stevens
Caving in the Vercors
As many of you may already know, Hugh Penney has recently completed the purchase of a farmhouse in the Vercors, and is currently converting it into a hostel. The work is expected to be completed by Easter, but Croydon members are always welcome. The cost will be about F35 a night. For more information, contact Hugh.
Gouffre Berger Expedition
A Croydon expedition to the Gouffre Berger has been proposed for 2-3 years time. Support from as many Croydon members as possible is vital to the success of the expedition. If you are interested, please contact Simon Davies.
OFD Permit
Elsie Little, the OFD Permit Secretary, has asked that all OFD annual permit holders are notified of the following:
"Life has been difficult for SWCC duty officers this year. Unscrupulous persons have been attempting to gain access by claiming to belong to respected and valued regular clubs when they have no right to do so. Not only does this show a higher degree of insanity than among we normal cavers, but must be deplored as we use the permits as a conservation method which (so far) works liberally and efficiently."
"So, please would you furnish all your members with some ID to show our duty officer when asked. Most of you use membership cards, but your people should be warned they could well be needed. We regret this extra bit of beaurocracy, but it is sadly a sign of the times."
30th Anniversary Dinner
The 30th Croydon Caving Club anniversary occurs this year and it is anticipated that we shall celebrate this towards the end of September at a suitable venue. Various possibilities are being considered within a price range of up to £30 to £35 per head. Please advise Tania Davies of any suitable venues that you know of to follow up.
The most likely date will be Saturday 24 September. Will all interested persons please advise Tania as soon as possible so that she can get together detailed costings, venue and transportation or accommodation as necessary.
The library has now moved to Tania's, located close to the cottage. If anyone has any publications that they feel the library would benefit from, please let Tania know the details and the possibility/fesibility of following up these requirements during the next financial year will be considered. It is hoped that the library will be catalogued onto a database during the next year (space permitting), so it may be possible to do searches for particular interests in the future.
Guest Editorials
It is hoped that some guest editorials can be included in future issues of the magazine. Paul Selby has already agreed to write an article on the Governments proposed Lands Rights bill and the possible effects it may have on cavers and access to caves. If you have any topics which you feel might be suitable, please contact Steve Wray.
Membership Subscriptions
Please note that membership subscriptions for 1994 are now due. If you have not already done so, please send your money to Andy Symonds as soon as possible.