Club Notices

Croydon Caving Club welcomes applications for membership from anyone over the age of 16 with an interest in sporting, exploration or scientific speleology.

Membership subscriptions for 1992 are:

Ordinary membership £10.00
Family membership £12.50
Student membership £7.50

The Club maintains a stock of ropes, ladders and other tackle which is available to members via the Equipment Officer. In addition a limited number of items of personal equipment (eg. lamps) is available for hire. The Club also maintains a library of books, periodicals, maps and surveys relating to speleology. Journals are exchanged with a number of other clubs. Members may borrow any item by contacting the Librarian.

Croydon Caving Club is affiliated to a number of other bodies including: British Cave Research Association, Cambrian Caving Council, Council for Southern Caving Clubs, South East Cave Rescue Organisation, West Brecon Cave Rescue Team, etc. These affiliations mean that the Club can secure access to restricted caves, insurance, use of other libraries and other services for its members.

The Club runs regular weekend trips to all the major British caving regions. Sunday trips are also made from time to time, usually to local mines. Indoor meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every other month in a room at the Blacksmiths Arms, 1 South End, Croydon. These usually consist of lectures, films, slide-shows, etc. Informal bar meets are held every Wednesday at the same venue from about 9.00pm onwards.

Members may use the Club cottage in South Wales at the reduced rate of £1.00 per person per night by booking with the Cottage Warden.