Recent Events

Recently club members have been up to all sorts of nefarious activities. Of recent note was the weekend down in the Mendips, which involved Andy Symonds reducing himself to paralysis through alcohol on Friday night. This was compounded on the Saturday by the Wessex challenge, wherein Croydon managed to make it into the Final !

On the Saturday night there was a fine stomp with cheap beer and plenty of R+B music for all ! On the Sunday there was a trip down the new through trip in Swildons ! Yes that is correct, you can enter via Priddy Sink and arrive in Cowsh aven and make your way sedately to the surface. J-Rat says it takes a couple of hours, the group took something like six. It does require digging. There will be more details in the next issue of Descent !

A full write up from Adrian follows !!! (Hint hint …Ed)

Other activities took place at Easter - Over to Richard who has been busy with his Camera !

Minor Highlights of the Easter Weekend!

The Easter weekend may not have been a great time for exploration or heroic trips but I think most there had a good time. For those of you not around here are some pictures of events that happened that weekend.


Upon exit from Pulpit hole it looked like they'd found the chocolate vat at Cadbury's

What is there to say.....

Well they say a picture says a thousand words !

Recently Vince Arranged a trip down the Pinner Chalk mines - Situated in the allotments . A more complete write up will follow as soon as the editor persuades Vince to write it up. Suffice to say it was fun viz. the picture of Tania ! and the entrance shaft.

Simon Davies
Richard Vidler