I was recently shown a puzzle linking common sayings, phrases and the like with numbers. Only the first letter of each word was presented along with a number as a clue to the content of the phrase. I thought it might be interesting to devize a similar puzzle on a caving theme and present the results as a prize competition. 3 prizes of caving books will be awarded to the best 3 entrants. Some of the solutions may be pretty obscure so do not be afraid to enter if there are many you cannot solve!
Example: 3 = E.T.O.F.D (3 = Entrances To Ogof Fynnon Ddu)
There are 6 categories. Points are awarded by degree of difficulty/obscurity.
Croydon CC related: (Points)
1985 |
= F.Y.A.G.P |
1 |
1964 |
= F.Y.O.C.C.C. |
1 |
16 |
= B.I.G.P |
1 |
69 |
= T.E.O.P!! |
1 |
1.5 |
= M.H.F.P.N.A.G.P (£) |
2 |
6 |
= D.A.O.C |
3 |
3 |
= E.P.O.C.C.C.C |
4 |
South Wales Caving:
8 |
= S.I.L.N.R.C |
1 |
15 |
= E.T.P.Y.O |
1 |
5 |
= P.I.P.D |
1 |
1994 |
= D.O.O.D |
2 |
1912 |
= F.Y.O.E.A.D.Y.O |
3 |
308 |
= D.O.D.C.I.G.B (m) |
3 |
1984 |
= F.E.O.O.Y.D.C |
4 |
Other UK Caving Areas:
5 |
= P.I.R.R |
1 |
25 |
= S.I.W.H |
2 |
365 |
= D.O.G.G.M.S (ft) |
3 |
800 |
= D.T.T.I.D (ft) |
4 |
1112 | = D.O.T.G.B(m) | 1 |
40.2 | = A.O.S.C (acres) | 2 |
260 | = H.C.E.I.E. (ft) | 4 |
General (?) Knowledge & Equipment:
10 |
= S.E.L.R.S (inches) |
1 |
1.2 |
= V.O.O.N.C |
2 |
32 |
= M.H.O.S (ft) |
3 |
5 |
= M.N.G.O.C.S (BCRA) |
4 |
15 |
= S.O.B.I.G.B |
5 |
Maximum Score = 60
Rock Breaker: In the event of a tie answer the following in no more than 10 words:-
'I joined Croydon Caving Caving Club Because...'
The judges decision is final. Please do not attempt to extort further clues from me. I am not open to bribery (unless you try very hard indeed!).