Caving Diary 2018

  • Feb 23-25th: Club AGM and caving weekend
  • March 30th-April 2nd: Easter weekend caving
  • May 5th-7th: Early May Bank hol weekend caving
  • May 26-28th: Late May Bank Holiday weekend caving
  • June 1-3rd: NAHMO Conference (Forest of Dean)
  • July 7-8th: KOF weekend
  • July weekend:, Mendips caving tba
  • August: Possible Ireland caving week, Co. Clare tbc
  • September 15-16th: Forest of Dean caving weekend
  • September 29-30th: (assumed) Hidden Earth details tbc
  • Nov 3-4th: Caving weekend and fireworks party
  • Dec 1-2nd: Caving weekend and Club Annual Dinner
  • Dec 29th-Jan 1st: Godre Pentre New Year celebrations

Mendips Caving weekend

Some superb caving is to be had in the Mendips. We are currently looking for a trip leader to coordinate this. Speak to any member of committee if you are interested in attending a Mendips caving weekend. Accommodation in a club bunkhouse will be arranged.

Ireland Summer 2018

There has been some interest expressed by members around a possible trip to County Clare in Ireland for a week in the Summer. Croydon members have made several trips over the years to Ireland, usually staying around the area known as "The Burren, either camping or in a bunk-house.

It will be up to yourselves, the members, to decide if you want this to happen. If interested, speak to any member of the Committee and if there is enough interest we will see if we can get an official trip running and coordinate dates, transport and accommodation.

Be assured, Ireland has some excellent caving to offer. Often quite wet systems, both vertical and horizontal, but with enough choice to suit all abilities. Plenty of information in books or online as to what The Burren has to offer.

Steve Murray