Thirty Years of Caving

It's only when looking at old pictures that one realises just how much the club has changed. The cars are now in a museum and the people are hardly recognisable. Caving equipment, including lamps and furry suits were homemade.

Mine trips were undertaken in Surrey most weekend lead by Ron Smith or Martin Hatton, as seen here in Carthorse.

One thing that has not changed is the Club's willingness to send novices down Bridge Cave. No furry suits , just lots of layers of old clothes.

Fun and games is still the same at Christmas dinners as as it is now. But look at the lower picture. Those are still members after 30years of caving. Has caving kept them young? Note the lovely period wallpaper in the New Inn before its upgrade.(downgrade).

This is Pol-an-Ionian in Ireland . There was a great interest in Irish caves 30 years ago . If it.rained you went to the pub and drunk Guinness . If it was not raining too hard you went caving. Perhaps this will tempt people to undertake an Ireland trip this year.

