Editor’s Letter

It seems quite a while since we published the last edition of Pelobates. However, they say (whoever they are) that good things are worth waiting for and we hope that the 96th edition of the Club magazine does not disappoint in that respect.

We have a fantastic article by Adrian, detailing the history of his exploration of Igam Ogom. It's good to know that the spirit of adventure is alive and well in Croydon Caving Club and long may it continue.

We also have some thoughts, and quite a few words, from our erudite Chairman, Eric, plus a new storyline from that illustrious author Kerry Katchit, who some of you may know under a different guise.

Thank you to all those who contributed articles and to Annette for undertaking the layout of the magazine. As we settle into 2020, we cavers can look forward to a year of awesome caving, exploration with home-grown entertainment and cosy evenings at Godre Pentre. So wherever you are and whatever you do…...

Happy caving

Linda Wickham